Wednesday 12 March 2014

Enhancement in the rates of various allowances by 25% consequent upon Dearness Allowance crossing 100%: AIRF writes to Railway Board

Written By Admin on March 12, 2014 | Wednesday, March 12, 2014

All India Railwaymen’s Federation
4, State Entry Road, New Delhi-110055
Dated: March 10, 2014

The Secretary(E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Sub: Enhancement in the rates of various allowances by 25% consequent upon Dearness Allowance crossing 100%

Ref.: Railway Board’s letter No.F(E)I/2011/AL-28/18 dated 13.06.2011(RBE No.87) and E(P&A) I-2011/SP-1/Misc.1 dated 13.06.2011(RBE No.88/2011)

The VI CPC in their report had recommended that certain allowances, viz. Children Education Allowance, National Holiday Allowance, Daily Allowance, Washing Allowance, Breakdown Allowance, Special Compensatory Allowance, Cycle Maintenance Allowance, Fixed Conveyance Allowance, Road Mileage Allowance, Special Allowance to various categories of staff etc., should be increased by 25% whenever Dearness Allowance crosses 50%, and this recommendation was duly accepted by the Government of India.

Based on the above recommendation of the VI CPC, these allowances have since been enhanced by 25% w.e.f. 01.01.2011, i.e. from the date, Dearness Allowance having been crossed 50%.

Now, Dearness Allowance has crossed 100% w.e.f. 01.01.2014, there is, therefore, gross justification that the above allowances be further enhanced by additional 25%, as Dearness Allowance has again crossed the value of 50% after enhancement of these allowances w.e.f.01.01.2011.

The Board are, therefore, requested to issue necessary instruction to this effect an early date

Yours faithfully,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
General Secretary

Source: AIRF

(i) Transfers of officials when desired for their own convenience should not be discouraged if they can be made without injury to the rights of others. However, as a general rule, an official should not be transferred from one unit to another, either within the same Circle, or to another Circle unless he has completed probation period satisfactorily As it is not possible to accommodate an official borne on one gradation list into another gradation list without injury to the other members in that gradation list such transfers should not ordinarily be allowed except by way of mutual exchange. Transfers by way of mutual exchange, if in themselves inherently unobjectionable, should be allowed. But in order to safeguard the rights of employees borne in the gradation lists of both the offices, the official brought in should take the place, in the new gradation list; that would have been assigned to him had he been originally recruited in that unit or the place vacated by the official with whom he exchanges appointment, whichever is the lower.

(!l) When an official is transferred at his own request but without arranging for mutual exchange, he will rank junior in the gradation list of the new unit to all officials of that unit on the date on which the transfer order is issued, including also all persons who have been approved for appointment to that grades as on that date. 

(iii) lf the old and the new unit form parts of a wider unit for the purpose of promotion to a higher cadre, the transferee (whether by mutual exchange or otherwise) will retain his original seniority in the gradation list of the wider unit. 

(iv) An official transferred from one unit to another will not have go any claim ie back to his old unit. A declaration to the effect that he accepts the seniority in the new Unit on transfer under Rule 38 and that. he will not have any claim to go back to the old unit, should be obtained before an official is transferred under this rule. Any special privilege to which an official may be entitled by virtue of his position in the gradation list of the unit from which he is transferred will, ordinarily, be forfeited on his transfer to a new gradation list. 

(v) Rule 38 transfers may be permitted on the basis of declared vacancy r.e. direct recruit may be transferred against direct recruitment vacancy and promotee against a promotion vacancy. Further OC candidate should be transferred against OC vacancy, SC candidate against SC vacancy and ST candidate against ST vacancy. 

(vi) Under Rule 38, inter-Circle and intra-Circle transfer from one distinct cadre to another viz. Post Offices to Circle Office, Regional Office, SBCO, Postal Assistant to Sorting Assistant etc. or vice versa is not allowed. 

(vii) Only such officials who have put in minimum service of five years in the case of direct recruits in the cadre in question and three years in the case of surplus qualified officials wherever applicable would be eligible for transfer under Rule 38. Any relaxation in this regard should be matter of rarest exception. Transfer of officials who have not yet cleared the probation period should be permitted in deserving cases only. 

(viii) Under the existing instructions, Heads of Circles i.e. CPMsG are fully empowered to permit such transfers with the approval of CPMG of the other Circle, where the transfer is sought. In such cases where the prescribed conditions are met the approval of the Directorate's would not be necessary. 

(ix) As and when the applications are received for such transfers, it should be recorded in the register, which will serve as priority list to be operated as and when vacancy (ies) arise. 

(x) Under Rule 38, an official will be allowed to seek transfer only twice during his entire service. 

Tuesday 11 March 2014

List of common Abbreviations frequently used in Central Government Offices

We have compiled the common abbreviations, which are frequently used in Central Government Offices as follows...


1. A.O. : Accounts Office
2. A.O. : Accounts Officer
3. A.Os : Accounts Officers
4. A.Os. : Accounts Officers
5. “A” : Accounts
6. Asstt. : Assistant
7. A.C.A. : Assistant Controller of Accounts 

8. Art. : Article
9. A/C : Account
10. ADG/SP : Additional Director General/Service Project
11. Ack. Due: Acknowledgment Due
12. AG : Accountant General
13. AT : Acceptance of Tender
14. Adj. Vr.: Adjustment Voucher
15. AT No/SO No. : Acceptance of Tender Number/Supply Order Number
16. AT No. : Acceptance of Tender Number
17. BSR : Broken Seal Register
18. CPM : Critical Path Method
19. CRMR : Charge, Receipt, Minus Receipt
20. CB : Cheques and Bills
21. CEA, IR : Children Education Allowance, Interim Relief
22. CCA : City Compensatory Allowance
23. CSR/TR : Civil Service Regulation / Treasury Rule
24. CIA : Chief Inte-arla Auditor
25. "C" Section : Costing Section
26. Col. : Colonel
27. CR Voucher : Certified Receipt Voucher
28. CPt : Cubic Foot
39. DA : Dearness Allowance
30. Dy. GM : Deputy General Allowance
31. DA : Dearness Allowance
32 . CCA : City Compensatory Allowance,
33. HRA : House Rent Allowance
34. DGI : Director Accounts Department
35. DP Section : Data Processing Section
36. Dy. Manager : Deputy Manager
37. DDG/SP : Deputy Director General/Service Project
38. DOS : Director of Riddance Services
39. DCA : Deputy Controller of Accounts
40. D (D) Vr. : Deficiency (Discrepancy) Voucher
41. D of S & D : Director of Supply and Disposal
42. DV : Disbursement of Voucher
43. DPS : Daily Payment Sheet
44. EDP : Electronic Data Processing
45. EL : Earned Leave
46. Ftr. : Factories
47. Fire Wood (Ord) : Fire Wood (Ordinary)
48. FR Part I : Financial Regulation Part I
49. GM : General Manager
50. GMs : General Managers
51. Gr. I : Grade-One
52. Gr. II : Grade-Two
53. Govt. : Government
54. G.P. Fund : General Provident Fund
55. GB : Garrison Engineer
56. HQrs. : Headquarters
57. I. Es : Industrial Employees
58. I. Note : Inspection Note
59. Issue Vr. : Issue Voucher
60. I.P.W. : Individual Piece Worker
61. IT : Idle Time
62. I/c : In Charge
63. IPW/GPW : Individual Piece Worker/Gang Piece Worker
64. IPW/PW : Individual Piece Worker/Piece Worker
65. IFD : Inter Factory Demand
66. ID Schedule : Inter Department Schedule
67. IBM 1401-M : International Business Management 1401-M
68. ID List : Inter Department List
69. IFD Items : Inter Factory Demand Items
70. Jt. GM : Joint General Manager
71. KOD : Kind of Document
72. LTC : Leave Travel Concession
73. LP : Leave with Pay
74. LPC : Last Pay Certificate
75. L.P. Bills/LP : Local Purchase Bills/Local Purchase
76. LAO : Local Audit Officer
77. LAOs : Local Audit Officers
78. LAOs Hand Book : Local Audit Officers Hand Book
79. LP/CP/FP : Local Purchase/Central Purchase/Foreign Purchase
80. MRO : Military Receivable Order
81. MT Vehicle : Motor Transport Vehicle
82. M/s : Material Section
83. MES : Military Engineering Service
84. M.C. Note : Military Credit Note
85. MI Slip : Material Inward Slip
86. MT Store : Motor Transport Store
87. NIES/NGOs : Non Industrial Employees/Non Gazetted Officers
88. NDA/NSB : Night Duty Allowance/Night Shift Bonus
89. NMD : Non Military Department
90. OTA : Overtime Allowance
91. OM Pt. VI : Office Manual Part VI
92. OM Pt. II Vol. II: Office Manual Part II Volume II
93. PM : Punching Medium
94. PW : Piece Worker
95. P+DA+CCA : Pay+Dearness Allowance+City Compensatory Allowance
96. Pay+DA+CCA : Pay+Dearness Allowance +City Compensatory Allowance
97. PW Profit : Piece Work Profit
98. PSA Schedule : Priced Store Account Schedule
99. P&AO : Pay and Accounts Office
100. PAOs : Pay & Accounts Offices
101. PSA : Priced Store Account
102. PSS : Priced Store Schedule
103. PSL : Priced Store Ledger
104. PSA Adjustment : Priced Store Account Adjustment
105. PSA Code : Priced Store Account Code
106. PAR : Package Accounting Register
107. PD Ledger : Priced Production Ledger
108. PERT : Program Evaluation and Review Technique
109. Qty. : Quantity
110. Q 1 and Q 2 : Quantity One and Quantity Two
111. R&D : Research and Development
112. RT. Vr. : Receipt Voucher
113. Rly. Receipt : Railway Receipt
114. Rt. Vr. No. : Receipt Voucher No
115. SWO Drafts/SWODs: Supplementary Work Order Drafts
116. Sr. A.O. : Senior Accounts Officer
117. SO (A) : Section Officer (Accounts)
118. "S" Section : Store Section
119. State A.G. : State Accountant General
120. S or D Services : Stock or Deposit Services
121. SV Group & AO : Stock Verification Group and Accounts Office
122. SV Group : Stock Verification Group
123. S.O. Rate/AT Rate: Supply Order Rate/Acceptance of Tender Rate
124. TA/LTC : Travelling Allowance/Leave Travel Concession
125. T Section : Transportation Section
126. TA : Travelling Allowance
127. TB : Tuberculosis
128. TA/DA : Travelling Allowance/Daily Allowance
129. TDE : Technical Development Establishment
130. TPC : Tender Purchase Committee
131. V1 and V2 : Value-One and Value-Two
132. Vr. : Voucher
133. Vr. No. : Voucher Number
134. Wt. No. : Warrant Number
135. WO No./WO : Work Order Number/Work Order
136. WC Act/CSR : Workmen Compensation Act/Central Civil Service Regulation
137. BMP : Basic Metallurgical Project
138. HAPP : Heavy Alloy Penetrator Project
139. A & E : Ammunition and Explosives
140. Fys : Factories
141. AFA-I : Assistant Financial Adviser-I
142. AFA-II : Assistant Financial Adviser-II
143. Dy. Director/PAC: Deputy Director/Public Accounts Committee
144. Accounts (Fys) : Accounts (Factories)
145. Member (Pers.) : Member (Personnel)
146. PERS Div. : Personnel Division
147. Member/P&MM : Member/Planning and Material Management
148. P&MM : Planning and Material Management
149. Member TS : Member Technical Development and Services
150. TS Division : Technical Development and Services Division
151. DPS : Data Processing Section

Procedure for Supplementary Accounts

Here explains the steps to be followed in generating the Cash account for March, supplementary cash book as well as the supplementary cash account and later the general cash book. Great care may be taken in proceeding with the work. So, please go through this document entirely, before the work on supplementary accounts is taken up 

Declaring the working days for March and April

       During the month of March, when the Day begin is done for the first time in the sub accounts module, the Supervisor is expected to enter the last working day in the month of March and the first working day in the month of April. For the current year 2013, it will be 30.3.2013(last working day in March 2013) and 01.04.2013(first working day in April 2013). This is taken as the default value in the application. This may kindly be checked up(use the menu Tools – Supplementary dates working as Supervisor). If there are some other dates, they may be changed to 30.3.2013 and 01.04.2013 respectively, before 30th March.

Regular cashbook during the month of March

       Regular work in all the modules leading to the generation of cashbook can continue up to 30th March in the usual course and there is no change

Generation of cash account for March (regular)

       All HOs should note that cashaccount for March (regular) should be generated before supplementarytransactions commence. So, on the first of April, the accounts branch has to generate cash account for March, preferably before day begin is done in sub accounts module (though this is not a precondition, it ensures that work in supplementary accounts is not started)

Work in supplementary accounts

       Please note that the Meghdoot moduleprovides for seven supplementaries. Daily accounts of all sub offices for March should be obtained latest by seven supplementary and incorporated in the accounts. 

      After the cash account for March 2013 (regular) is generated, day begin can be done in sub accounts module in the usual course.

First supplementary

        Daily accounts received should be segregated between those of March and of April and bundled separately. The daily accounts of April should be entered using the usual menu Data entry – SO daily accounts and selecting the appropriate SOs. Note that supplementary daily accounts should not be posted using this menu. The daily accounts of March should be posted using the menu Supplementary – SupplementarydataSO. On completion of the posting, printing of SO summaries can be taken separately for regular and supplementary (for supplementary, use the menu Supplementary – Printing SO reports). Other tasks of preparing SO slips should be done in the usual course.

At the end of the day, remittances should be verified in the usual course. After such verification, daily account adjustments for remittances of daily accounts of April should be done in the usual coursefirst. Thereafter, the adjustment of remittances in March daily accounts should be taken up using the menu Supplementary – Remittances – SO daily account. While carrying out such adjustments, note down the details of remittances made by SOs in March which are acknowledged in April (called technical transit).

On completion of the adjustment of remittances as per daily accounts, view
the transit and advance items pending in the following sequence

1.  Regular transit and advance using the menu Transit – SO transit
figures or SO Advance figures
2.  Supplementary transit and advance using the menu Supplementary –
SO Transit figures and SO Advance figures
3.  Consolidated transit using the menu Supplementary – Consolidated transit – Technical transit

Note that the third item will show you all the remittances in transit including
those of April.

     Now please add the technical transit items, using the  Add button here. Please note that such items added will not appear here on the day of adding but will be available in the print out. This has to be invariably done for the supplementary accounts to tally correctly. This technical transit item which will remain pending for adjustment throughout the supplementary period will automatically get adjusted after the last supplementary when you move over to the regular accounts On completion of such addition, the operator should take the print out of transit and advance summaries for both regular and supplementary transactions.

Now, the accounts branch can generate the cash book for first supplementary.

    While the supplementary transactions are pending, regular cash book should not be generated.

The HO can generate only the HO summary and regular SO summary for the days when supplementary accounts are pending.

On completion of all these tasks, day end can be done in all the modules of Meghdoot for the first April

Second and third supplementary

      The same process as above should be repeated for second and third supplementary(if any) during which period regular cashbook should never be generated. Technical transit items should be added as in first supplementary.

        On the day of last supplementary when all the remaining daily accounts of March 30 are received, the details of balances(red ink particulars) for the HO and SO balances of all SOs of date 30.3 should be noted down. The total of technical transit and the unadjusted transit of March, corresponding to the details of closing balance as per Supplementary cash book should also be noted down. These details are required for generation of supplementary cash account.

Supplementary cash account

     On completion of all the supplementaryaccounts and on generation of the cashbook for the last supplementary, the supplementary cash account can also be generated.

     The accounts branch has to now access the cash account menu and select the March month. A dialog box will come up prompting to furnish details of balance.

      Click the Yes button. In the next window, you will find the details of closing balance of March as furnished initially. You have to now edit this figure to enter the details of SO balance and transit for the last supplementary (HO balance need not be changed) and generate the supplementary cash account. The cash account will now furnish the transactions including that of supplementaries and also the red ink particulars correctly.

        After the supplementary cash account is generated, the regular cash book can be generated from the next day onwards

Regular cashbook for April

       It is reiterated that regular  cash book generation should never be attempted when the supplementary accounts are still in progress. You can proceed with generating regular cashbook from the subsequent day onwards (and also for 1st April and subsequent days) after the last supplementary including.

Note : minimum one supplementary is compulsory


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Union cabinet approved 10% D.A hike from 01.01.2014

The Union Cabinet  on friday approved hiking  of dearness allowance to 100 per cent from existing 90 per cent benefiting 50 lakh employees and 30 lakh pensioners.

The hike in DA would be effective from January 1 this year and it will be paid 
 in cash, but not before the disbursement of the salary for the month of March 2014 . This is the second double digit DA hike in a row. The government had announced a hike of 10 per cent to 90 per cent in September last year, effective from July 1, 2013. 

Revision of Interest Rates for Small Savings Schemes w.e.f 01.04.2014

The interest rates on various small savings schemes for the  Year 2014-15 effective from 01.04.2014 are revised as follows with the approval of the finance Ministry.
Rate of interest
Rate of Interest
w.e.f. 01.04.2014
 Savings Deposit
 1 Year Time Deposit
 2 Year Time Deposit
 3 Year Time Deposit
 5 Year Time Deposit
 5 Year Recurring
 5 Year SCSS
 5 Year MIS
 5 Year NSC
 10 Year NSC
 The necessary notifications will be notified separately in this regard in due course. 

GPF and other similar funds shall carry interest at the rate of 8.7% per annum during 2014-2015

Click here to view the  Resolution published in Gazette of India on the above subject matter.